The Dark Side of Roblox Development: How I Got Scammed and How You Can Avoid It!

We got scammed!

We just got scammed. Recently, we hired a ‘professional’ marketing representative to get our game to 1K CCU’s (Concurrent Users). He told us to send over $180 USD, so he could get started with ads. We did so. The following Monday, I awoke to the news that the already ‘sufficient’ marketing funds was not enough. He was asking us to give him $80 more, or he would refuse to market our game, or refund the money. This made me extremely angry, as I realized I had just fallen into a trap.

In my excitement at the idea of getting concurrents on my game, I had overlooked the need to ensure that this guy was legit. I should have looked closer into his background, and tried to talk to previous references. This is a very tricky tactic called a bait-and-switch, and is a classic tactic for illicit dealing. They take your money, then force you to pay more, or lose everything. A few other tactics our ‘professional’ used were:

1. Sunk cost (“Just pay a little bit more! You already put so much in!”)

2. Higher power (“Oh, of course I would help you, but my boss said I can’t.”)

Watch out for these tricky tactics, to keep your money safe. 

Stop the scammers!

Even though we lost quite a bit of money, this was a valuable experience that I can share with all of you. When interacting with people online, it is hard to ensure their authenticity. They can easily pretend to be something that they are not. Be very careful and make sure you have solid proof before hiring. Remember the old adage: “Slow to hire, quick to fire.” You can stop the scammers in their tracks! Here’s how:

1. Get results before paying

2. Manage the funds yourself

3. Get a detailed marketing plan before spending

4. Be sure of their skills before you buy. Ask for previous references.

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